Balikesir University

eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing)

About Eduroam

Eduroam is the abbreviation of the words Education Roaming. By using 802.1x security standards over RADIUS-based infrastructure, it aims to allow users of eduroam member institutions to use the network in other educational institutions without any problems.

Users of eduroam member institutions can connect to the network from another eduroam member institution (Guest Institution) with the username and password pairs they use to connect to the network in their own institution (Home Institution). When the user sends a connection request to the eduroam broadcast user received while at the guest institution, the authorization server of the guest institution directs that user to the authorization server of user's home institution and determines whether user is authorized or not. Making all these queries through an encrypted tunnel created between the servers prevents the username and password pairs from being seen outside the user's own home server. In this case, all the users need to do is to define the eduroam wireless network in the institution they are visiting as if it is connected to their own institution's network.

Internet and Network Service Usage Rules

Within the scope of the "National Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBİM) Usage Policy Agreement" signed by our University, the Institutional Network Usage Policy has been prepared to define the rules that everyone who uses the computer network and internet at our University must comply with. This policy covers all academic and administrative staff and all students. The rules that all users must comply with within the scope of this policy are as follows.